Check List for ER Modeling
(Revised 25-APR-01)
1) Entity Types
Each entity type should model a type of
real-world object. We model an entity in order to store important
information about its properties.
Kinds of real-world objects we might care about
include people, places, things, organizations, events and concepts. An entity
type should be important in its own right. For example, address is often not a
good entity
Draw an entity type as a rectangle. Write its
name inside it.
The name of an entity type should always be a
noun. For example “Manager”. Entity names should be as specific and meaningful
as possible.
All entity types must participate in at least
one relationship type.
If there is only one of something, and this is
not expected to change, then it’s not a good choice for an entity type. For
example, if your system includes only one airline or only one university then
there is no need to model airline or university as an entity.
2) Attributes
Each attribute is attached to a single entity
type or relationship type.
Each entity in an entity type has its own unique
set of attribute values. But each has the same set of attributes. For
example all Managers might have Name,
Rank and Salary attributes – but each individual manager will had a different
name, rank and salary.
Draw an entity as an oval. Write its name inside
it. The name of an attribute should be a noun – for example “Salary”. It is
best if attribute names are unique for the whole ERM and not just for the
individual entity type.
Connect composite attributes to the main
attribute of which they are a part. For example, name decomposes to “First
Name”, “Last Name” and maybe “Middle Name”, “Prefix” and “Suffix”.
Attribute domains are not marked on the ERM
itself, and are not required for this exercise. They will be used for the
2a) Primary Keys
Make sure you have marked a primary key for
each strong entity type. Do this by underlining it on the diagram. The
primary key has a unique value for each entity within the entity type. (EG, if
SSN is the key for the Manager entity type then no two Manager entities can
have the same SSN).
(Each Entity Type must have a primary key. This
means it must have at least one attribute, as the key is made up of
Some primary keys are composite – in this case
the contents of a number of attributes are used in conjunction to uniquely
define the entity. In this case, underline all the attributes that make up the
A week entity automatically “inherits” the
primary key of the strong entity it is dependent on. However, if it has a 1:M
relationship with the strong entity then it will need an additional partial
key, to differentiate it from other weak entities dependent on the same strong
entity. (Example from model answer: Flight Instance has date as a partial key,
to set it aside from other instances of the same flight number).
There is no need to identity candidate keys on
the ERM.
The key must always be unique. It is helpful if
it is also short, easy to remember, meaningful in the real world and unlikely
to change. Sometimes you have to trade off between these things.
3) Relationships
Draw a relationship type as a diamond. Write
its name inside it. The name of a relationship should be a present-tense
Relationship types join together one or more
(usually two) entity types. EG “Supervisor manages supervisee”. Check your
relationships and entity types by trying to read them this way. If they don’t
make sense then change them.
Individual relationships join together two or
more individual entities. EG “Jane Doe manages Fred Smith.”. All relationships
are bi-directional.
Use relationship names that model real world relationships,
not system processes. “Has”, “Assigns”, “Logs”, “Generates”, “Processes”,
“Stores” and so on are bad relationship names if they refer to internal system
Relationships can have attributes. If something
Try and arrange entities and relationships from
left to right and top to bottom, to make the diagram easier to read.
Avoid recursive relationships where possible.
This can often be done by creating additional subtypes (For example, manages”
could be represented as a recursive relationship from person to person, or a
regular one from sub-type supervisor to sub-type supervisee).
Avoid relationships including more than two
entity types where possible. (So-called N-ary relationships). These
relationships can be represented by the combination of several regular (binary)
relationships and a weak entity type.
Be alert for fan-traps and chasm traps. (See
texbook). If two entities are related then you should be able to read across
the diagram and tell unambiguously which is related to which. For example, in
the assignment you will need to be able to determine for flight X on day Y, who
the pilot is, which specific plane is in use, who the flight attendants are,
and so on.
3a) Participation Constraints
Use a double-line to indicate a mandatory
relationship. If a relationship type is mandatory for an entity type then
each entity must take part in a relationship. For example, it may be mandatory
for a supervisee to have a supervisor.
For a weak entity type, at least one of its
relationships (with the “parent” strong entity type) will always be mandatory.
Participation constraints can be combined with
cardinality by using the Mini-Max notation. If the minimum is more than 0 then
participation is mandatory. For example (1,N).
3b) Relationship Cardinality
Show the cardinality of each relationship
(eg 1:1, 1:N, M:N). Write cardinality between the relationship diamond and the
line leading to each entity type.
Remember, the cardinality refers to the maximum
number of entities of one entity type that are linked to an entity of the other
entity type through the relationship type. For example, if “supervisor managers
supervisee” is a 1:M relationship then this means that each supervisor can have
many supervisees (the “M” next to supervisee) but that each supervisee only has
one supervisor (the “1” next to supervisor). It does NOT mean that there will
only ever be one supervisor in the database – just that each supervisee will
only ever have one supervisor at a time.
4) Generalization and Specialization
Subclasses construct an is-a hierarchy. Every
member of a subclass is also a member of the super class. It inherits all
attributes and relationships of the super class.
Show whether subclasses are disjoint (d) or
overlapping (o) for the super class above them.
Show a shared subclass as (u). A shared subclass
has multiple inheritance.
Never draw cardinality on a subclass/super
class diagram.
A subclass has the same primary key as the
Show whether membership in at least one subclass
is mandatory for each member of the superclass – this is a participation
constraint, like that for relationships.
If you can’t read up from each subclass to the
super class above it and say “[subclass name] is a [super class name]” then you
have done something wrong! (Note: This is true for regular subclasses, as shown
with a (d) or an (o). A shared subclass – shown with a (u) holds characteristic
that exist for several different entity types, and so the reading here is
sometimes more like “has a” than “is a”).
Be very clear on the different between a
relationship and a subclass or super class. Relationships tie together
separate entities.(Fred manages Jim). Subclasses let us selectively specify
additional information (attributes, relationships) about some entities in an
overall entity type but not others. For example, by making a “manager” subclass
for the person entity type we can show that some people are also managers, and
that managers (and only managers) can supervise people. We can also show
additional attributes for managers that other kinds of people do not have – for
example their budget authorization amount. By making Fred a manager, as well as
a person, we store extra information about him and his relationships. But
manager is just a specialized kind of person, and there is still only one Fred.
If subclasses had a cardinality it would always be 1:1 – Fred the manager and
Fred the person are the same.
(therefore) If there is a 1:m or M:M
relationship between a subclass and a superclass on your diagram then you got
something wrong! Model it as two separate entity types and a relationship.