Information on the
Final Exam:
From the official list, details are currently
ISYS 210 002 Database Management
Wednesday June 6th, 2001
10:30am - 12:30pm Randell 121
The final examination counts for 25% of the overall grade for the course.
It will cover material from the whole of the course, but the focus is definitely on what has been covered since the midterm. Examine the detailed syllabus to see everything we have covered in bullet point form, and with the sections of the textbook you will need to revise.
For your convenience, here are some of the most important topics likely to appear on the examination. There will be other stuff as well, but make sure you understand all the following:
ERD syntax, conventions
How to read an ERD
Diagnosing problems in an ERD (You won’t have to
draw one from scratch, but be prepared to complete or fix an existing one)
Appropriate choice of cardinality
Translation of ERD to schema
foreign keys,
1:M relationships,
SQL, including joins (you will have to read and
write SQL to pass this examination – if you have not worked through the example SQL and experimented with it then do so
select, update, delete statements
group by, having clause
order by clause
where clause
relationship of select clauses to relational
use of simple functions in select statements
diagnosing problems in an SQL statement
Role of views in SQL and in relational model
Advantages and disadvantages of views
Relationship of views to data independence
Normal forms 1, 2 and 3
Functional dependency
Recognizing when something is not in a
particular normal form.
Altering a schema so that it complies with a
particular normal form