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Exploring the Early Digital: Siegen Workshop, Jan 2017

I am the primary organizer of a second workshop in what is emerging as a new Siegen University series on the Early Digital. This one is held on January 12-14, 2017 with the theme "Exploring the Early Digital." The workshop is primarily intended to lay the framework for a book, working title also “Exploring the Early Digital” in which members of the history of computing community will begin to reconceptualize their work within a new frame. We’re trying to broaden from “computers” to “the digital” and so engage with some aspects of media studies, engineering practice, etc. Most of the time will be spent discussing early drafts, but we do have public talks by Paul Ceruzzi and William Aspray. I’m also excited by a panel discussion on structuring overview narratives of computing/the digital with Aspray, Ceruzzi, and Martin Cambell-Kelly. Other participants from beyond Siegen include Gerard Alberts, Maarten Bullynck, Edgar Daylight, Liesbeth De Mol, Ron Kline (via Skype), Pierre Mounier Kuhn, David Link, David Nofre, Mark Priestley, Doron Swade, and Ksenia Tatarchenko.

Full details at

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