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My Nuclear Life (podcast)

I was recently the guest on an an episode of Shelly Lesher's history podcast My Nuclear Life. It's a nice podcast, which has approached nuclear history from a variety of perspectives. Previous guests have included Richard Rhodes on the core bomb story, Robert Franklin on the Hanford story, and Adam Higginbotham on Chernobyl. The idea was to talk through the coverage of nuclear-related issues in A New History of Modern Computing such as SAGE, Minuteman guidance systems, and the supercomputer story. 

Shelly was a lively and well prepared interviewer. Also a University of Wisconsin System colleague, as chair of the Physics department at UW La Crosse. In fact she asked so many questions that we only got through the first half of chapter 1, explaining ENIAC and the origins of the modern computer. That meant that it was actually a recap of ENIAC in Action. But perhaps she will have me back one day to cover the rest...

Listen to the episode at

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