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Penn Alumni Magazine Features ENIAC in Action

There is a great writeup in the current issue of the Pennsylvania Gazette (the Penn alumi magazine), profiling the talk I gave at the ENIAC 70th Anniversary event back in February. "A People's History of ENIAC," by John Prendergast, theGazette's editor, fills about two and a half pages in the print edition. Opening lines: "If you're a fan of The Imitation Game and Walter Isaacson's 2014 bestseller The Innovators, be glad you weren't on campus to hear Thomas Haigh..."


I took a photo, but if you actually want to read it the text is online: The Penn version of the talk is not online, but  I gave a similar talk at Maryland, which posted a video and transcript: Thanks to Mitch Marcus at Penn for organizing the anniversary event, where we had a chance to meet various Mauchleys, Chedackers, and other descendents of the ENIAC's designers and operators.

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